Browning expands sponsorship activities
Browning, part of tackle giant Zebco Europe, is looking to expand its sponsorship activities in the UK. It currently sponsors teams across Europe and in the UK and is now looking to take on two additional teams in areas of the UK where they want to improve promotion of their wide range of products. This is a comprehensive team sponsorship offer and consequently they are looking for established and well organised teams that they can develop a long-term relationship with. The areas of particular interest are the West Midlands, North West and South West. In the first instance teams should apply via email to Frerk Petersen, Manager Marketing & Public Relations, on
fpetersen@zebco-europe.com. Teams can find more information on Zebco Europe on
www.zebco-europe.com and on Browning on
www.browning-fishing.com, a brand new website which has been launched just recently.