Safely in the bag!
Fast, safe and simple – three features of the Black Cat Hard Core Cat BagAnglers like to prepare many things before a session and looking after the wellbeing of the fish should be no exception. This is a crucial aspect of angling. Safety and protection is essential not only for us humans but also for the animals. As catfish anglers, it’s up to us to ensure that catfish are returned unharmed to their habitat. This is where Black Cat comes in. Black Cat Hard Core Cat BagBlack Cat introduced the Hard Core Cat Bag some time ago. The special weighing and transport bag is a reliable partner when it...
4street Offers Inspiring Products!
Tostedt. The so-called street fishing craze is currently on everyone’s lips and maybe even the big trend in the fishing scene of the coming decade. Anglers love street fishing because it allows them to pursue their hobby in a simple way and without much effort, and at nearby urban fishing spots. All you need is a short rod, handy and light luggage - and fire away!The trend is now catching anglers from many European cities, so it was obvious that Quantum now offers a tailor-made product range - tailored exactly to the needs of these sportsfishermen! Under the “4street” label, the street...